
DATE: 29th JULY 2010

We want to tell people, both locals and people from overseas, how the mangroves grow. The climate they grow in and etc.

pH level in water : pH4.89 (Acidic)
Temp of air : 33.42°C (HOT!)
Temp. of water : 31.55°C
Humidity : 67.89(RH 0/100 %RH)
Oxygen Level in water : 18.55
Light : 301.12 Lx

Due to the low level of oxygen, Mangroves have "breathing-tubes" that reach heights of up to 30CM. They also have Aerenchyma (air channels) in the roots, which allows exchange of gases between the shoot and the root. They provide a low-resistance internal pathway for the exchange of gases such as oxygen and ethylene between the plant above the water and the submerged tissues.

Amount of Light is rather sufficient. Light is important in the process of making food (photosynthesis). Thus, plants are able to produce more oxygen as well as take in carbon dioxide.

Salinity also affects the growth of plants. Salinity is the saltiness or dissolved salt content
 of a body of
A plant adapted to saline conditions is called ahalophyte. An example of this is the mangroves. They have adapted the salinity of the wetlands and have "breathing roots".