Plants and Animals

At the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, plants AND animals share the same habitat, side-by-side. They build this homeland, hand-in-hand. Plants give animals some benefits,and so does animals. They live with each other peacefully, just like the social-harmonious Singapore. :D

Plants, they provide animals with the necessary habitats to live in. Tree holes and etc. Plants also provide animals with fruits as food, such as the Buah Cheri. On the other hand, animals provide the plants with the suitable nutrients for growth, by excretion.Excretion is the process by which waste products of metabolism and other non-useful materials are eliminated from an organism, This diversity among plants and animals help to maintain a balance between plants and animals, stating the importance of both, and that one cannot live without the other. :)

For more information on plants at SBWR, please proceed to our sub-page at