
Nowadays, as urbanisation and other human activities come about, there is more pollution. This pollution includes land,water and air pollution. As the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve become more of a tourist attraction, and more people are visiting it day by day, the number of littering cases will also gradually increase. People visit Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve to escape the tiring life of the city. But, they do what they do best in the city too: THEY LITTER. 

Littering on the natural walks might lead to the destruction of the mangroves. Haven't you heard of the term "Killer Litter"? This litter might clog up the "breathing roots" of mangroves and they cannot breathe. Furthermore, the litter will also pollute the water that the mangroves live in. As shown in the pictures we have taken, people are throwing things like plastic bottles into the wetlands. "Only leave your footprints, not your litter"
Another form of pollution that harms mangroves is water pollution. As the wetlands are near the coastline, it is vulnerable to oil spills and chemical contamination.

People will also tend to disturb the wildlife at Sungei Buloh when they visit it. For example, they might pick flowers or make loud noises which will scare the animals. These actions are totally irresponsible and show how immature you are as a person.
To solve all this problems, I think the government should have a fine system for people who disturb the peace in Sungei Buloh or having them to do social servicing. These actions are totally unforgivable and are done by selfish people who dose not care about the environment! We should play our part and SAVE THE WETLANDS. :)